Mālama Kaua‘i (MK) is a community-based non-profit that has focused on increasing local food production and access for a resilient Kaua‘i since 2006. Through the work listed below we dynamically fill the needs of our community as it relates to food security.
- Farmer support, education & assistance
- Farm to school, school gardens and orchards
- Ag internships & green workforce development
- Emergency response, free food distributions, gleaning, and feeding
- Food access coordinator since 2018
- Buy & sell food through our food hub
Like the majority of our island’s residents we want our local food supply to grow and stabilize, and for our local people to have priority access to land and resources. This project, Kaua‘i FARMS, will support the connection between Kaua‘i farmers and landowners so that more locals have farming opportunities to produce food for local consumption. This project also aims to increase Kānaka Maoli and overall local ownership of Kauaʻi, creating economic improvements as well as leaders and examples to share with others, which in turn builds a movement of empowered leaders for land access initiatives.